Hospital Administration Degree Programs

Hospital Administration Degree ProgramsIf are you interested in a career as a hospital administrator, it is in your best interest to seek qualified hospital administration degree programs. By seeking such programs and attending the program of your choice, you will receive the quality education necessary to obtain the position you desire. Such a position may include that of a Healthcare Executive or Healthcare Administrator. Additionally, seeking a qualified hospital administration degree program will allow you to gain an understanding of the managerial and business aspects related to healthcare management. As such, you will have the ability to effectively apply this knowledge in various settings such as hospitals, nursing homes or health insurance companies.

Details of 5 Top Hospital Administration Degree Programs

On the road to becoming a Hospital Administrator, it is advisable to investigate several schools which offer Hospital Administration Degree Programs before making a decision. By doing so, you increase your chances of selecting a school or program that is best for you. Although there are many top hospital administration degree programs from which to choose, there are five top programs to consider.

University of Michigan

The University of Michigan offers one of the most outstanding hospital administration degree programs. This university offers an enriched, challenging program for prospective healthcare administrators. The curriculum of this program includes an extensive interdisciplinary study of managerial skills and public healthcare policies. In order to be considered for placement in the program, one of two applications must be completed: The School of Public Health Application Service application or the Healthcare Administration, Management & Policy Centralized Application Service. The tuition can range from $11,975 to $19,799 depending on your residential status. Federal loans, scholarships, and work-study programs are available for financial assistance.

University of Minnesota

The University of Minnesota is another school which offers an outstanding program in healthcare administration. This school is for individuals who seek to continue their education beyond a bachelor’s degree. The highly rigorous courses offered in this program include human resources, finances, and managerial skills. The healthcare administration program offered at this university leads to a master’s degree in health administration. The admission requirements include letters of recommendation, previous transcripts, and a letter of intent. Other requirements may include an on-site interview and a passing score on the Graduate Record Examination. For this program, the tuition ranges from $23,910 to $31,080. Financial support is only available in the form of scholarships.

University of North Carolina

At the University of North Carolina there is an opportunity to earn a degree in public health at the bachelor’s and master’s level. Some courses include the study of management and human resources in addition to courses concerning health policies. The admission requirements include letters of recommendation, a letter of intent, and a resume. Financial assistance can be found in the form of grants, scholarships, and fellowships. This aid can help to cover the cost of tuition which is $13,416 for undergraduate students and $12,166 for graduate students.

University of Pennsylvania

This university also offers a top notch program in healthcare administration at the bachelor’s and master’s level. Courses of study include healthcare issues in addition to economics and financing. The tuition for this program is $39,088. Financial assistance is available in the form of grants, loans, and work-study programs.

University of Alabama

The University of Alabama is also one of the top five schools for this Hospital Administration Degree Programs. Some courses of study include aspects and the analysis of the healthcare system. Financial assistance includes grants, loans, and work-study programs. Any of these financial assistance programs can help to cover the cost of the $4,600 tuition for undergraduate students.

By choosing any of the schools listed above, you will receive an excellent education leading towards the desired degree of healthcare administration. Any one of these colleges will prepare you for a successful career. The hospital administration degree programs offered at these colleges are second to none.

Additional Resource: Top 10 Best Online Master of Health Administration Degree Programs