5 Non-Clinical Jobs in Healthcare

If you want to work as a health expert but not necessarily in a clinical setting, there are several jobs in healthcare you can choose from. This post will look at the top five non-clinical jobs you can do.

Healthcare Risk Manager

Healthcare risk managers work to manage risks and liabilities that are likely to occur within a facility. Their specific duties include developing and implementing policies that improve the safety of employees and patients, training staff on potential risks and how to mitigate them and monitoring the facility’s compliance with safety guidelines and procedures. In some cases, healthcare risk managers may work with the facility’s legal counsel on issues involving worker’s compensation and medical malpractice claims. Healthcare risk managers work indoors in an office setting for most part of the day. They also spend a considerable amount of time in meetings and training sessions. According to PayScale, healthcare risk management managers earn an average salary of $73,702 per year. The salary ranges between $49,278 and $99,864.

Clinical Nurse Educator

Clinical nurse educators help develop and implement both clinical and nonclinical programs that improve medical practices and help enhance the safety and well-being of patients. They also assist healthcare facilities to draft appropriate curriculum for nurses and other medical personnel. A large percentage of clinical nurse educators perform administrative roles. Their daily work involves a lot of meetings, supervision as well as training. They earn an average salary of $72,754 per year. The salary ranges from $53,705 to $100,043.

Nursing Informatics Specialist

Nursing informatics specialists employ IT knowledge to manage medical data and systems in a healthcare facility. In order to function effectively, they combine their nursing knowledge with that of IT to help them track patient data, interpret them and organize them appropriately in a computer database. They also design and develop information systems, oversee their implementation and train other personnel on how to use them. Nursing informatics specialists spend most of their time behind a computer. Sometimes they participate in training programs and attend meetings. According to PayScale, nurse informatics specialists earn an average salary of $82,691, with a range between $65,103 and $105,110 per year.

Patient Advocate

Patient advocates work to protect the right of patients and resolve the issues they might be facing. They do this by visiting the patients in hospitals, introducing them to patient advocacy and confirming if they understand their rights. They also take their time to listen and record statements from the families of the patients to identify the problems they might be having outside the hospital. Patient advocates rarely stay in their offices. Most of them travel to visit patients and their families and attend advocacy meetings. They earn an average salary of $55,568 per year.

Clinical Quality Improvement Coordinator

Clinical quality improvement coordinators have the primary responsibility of developing, directing and managing the clinical improvement initiatives of a healthcare facility. They also ensure compliance with regulations designed to promote improved healthcare practices. In order to execute their roles perfectly, clinical quality improvement coordinators work closely with the management to establish the vision for various quality improvement programs in the organization. Clinical quality improvement coordinators often work in offices, where they establish and oversee the implementation of quality improvement policies. They earn an average salary of $68,692 per year. The salary ranges between $49,347 and $96,212.

Working as a healthcare expert does not mean you have to be in direct contact with patients every time you execute your duties. There is a wide variety of jobs in healthcare you could do if you don’t want to handle sick people directly.

See also: What is Healthcare Informatics?