Can I Work for the CDC with a Master of Health Administration?

So, you have chosen to get a degree. Now, like so many other people pursuing a higher education, you may be wondering if the degree you have chosen will truly aid you in landing the job of your dreams. If your goal is to find a job working for the Center for Disease Control, then stayed tuned. This article will cover the mission statement of the Center for Disease Control, some requirements for employment with the Federal government, and some other opportunities offered by the CDC that might interest you.

The Center for Disease Control: Their Mission

The main mission of the CDC is to provide around-the-clock protection to America from diseases, no matter where they come from. If this mission statement piques your interest and sounds like it might be a good fit, then read on. For more information about the Center for Disease Control’s Mission Statement, check out their Mission, Role and Pledge.

How Do I Get In?

When you are trying to prepare for your ideal job, it is important to be aware of some of the required qualifications before you set out. The Center for Disease control has a number of jobs ranging from jobs directly related to your degree or experience all the way to entry-level positions.

Some Federal jobs that are offered require that your degree is directly related to the specific field you are pursuing. It is also important to note that your degree must come from an institution that has been accredited by a body that has been approved by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education.

There are many other positions offered by the Center for Disease Control that do not require the degree to be specifically related to the field of the position being offered. Many of these types of jobs are advertised as internships, student program positions, or trainee positions. There are two important notes here. First, these jobs typically require a baccalaureate degree. Second, because they are entry-level, the pay and rank will typically be lower.

With a master’s degree, the pay and rank will generally be higher; however, the degree must, once again, be directly related to the field of the position you are applying for.

Other Opportunities

So far, this article has only covered opportunities for those who have completed their degree, but if you are still in school, don’t lose heart. There are still a number of other possible alternatives. The Center for Disease Control has a variety of programs for students who have recently graduated high school and for those who are about to finish up their college education as well.

As you can see, there are a number of available options that the Center for Disease Control has to offer. The options range from opportunities for high school graduated, to students still in college, to professionals who have already graduated. Armed with a little bit of knowledge, contact a representative from the Center for Disease Control to help you decide which option best suits you.