How Should I Start Preparing for a Master of Health Administration While Earning My Bachelors Degree?

While a bachelor’s degree in Health Administration will prepare you for a career in administration, if your desire is to manage and run a health department you will need to possess a Master’s degree. The healthcare industry is the largest and fastest growing industry in the nation, but you do not have to work hands on with patients to benefit from this growth and positive career outlook. A bachelor of health administration will prepare you to work in a variety of behind-the-scenes positions, but you might already have your sights set higher. If you are already in a bachelor’s degree program, you have already met the undergraduate requirements, but what requirements should you fulfill as you complete this program to satisfy graduate degree program requirements? Here are a few tips on how to start preparing for grad school as you are an undergrad student pursuing a career in Health Administration.

Make Sure You Fulfill the Course Requirements

When you are earning a bachelor’s degree in healthcare administration, the school you are attending will have a set curriculum that you must complete to earn your bachelor’s degree. If you plan on earning a graduate’s degree and the school you plan on attending has different requirements, you may face having to enroll in extra classes to satisfy the master’s degree program requirements before you are accepted into the program. It is best to check the course requirements for each of the accredited health services administration graduate programs in your area so that you can compete with other program applicants. Remember, admission in these graduate-level programs in the healthcare industry is very competitive. It is your responsibility to know the requirements and to satisfy these admission requirements if you want to be accepted.

Grades and Work Experience Will Be Extremely Important

During the admissions process, you will be asked to submit your transcripts. Most programs will only accept individuals who graduated at the top of their class because competition is so fierce. This is a great incentive to earn good grades and to put your all into each class. You will also be required to take a Graduate Record Examination or a Medical College Admission Test before being accepted. Scoring well on admissions tests is important, and taking practice tests throughout your undergraduate career can be very helpful.

What You Should Expect Before Starting Your Master’s Degree Program

Like most graduate programs, a master’s program in Healthcare Administration will take 2 to 3 years to complete. You can expect to take a wide range of courses from marketing and accounting classes, to HR management and health economics. These programs are professional programs designed to prepare you for a career in healthcare management. You can expect to learn theory and hands-on skills while studying for this professional degree.

The need for medical and health services managers is predicted to grow by 22% by 2020, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. If you would like to eventually head a small or large health department, get ready for a master’s program while you are still earning your bachelor’s. Compare programs, know the requirements, and get prepared for your future.